
BienvenueWillkommenVítejteBienvenido or simply WELCOME to the latest travel tribe on the internet! BudgetingMyTrip.

So if it’s your first time here we urge you to feel at home! I am guessing your love for Travel brought you here so I’ll ensure not to disappoint you since we all have something in common. :). Before you get too excited and start browsing our pages, here’s a quick intro of what the brand is about.

BudgetingMyTrip aims to uncover any hidden secret that helps you explore and travel the world without breaking the bank. In simple terms we demystify the art travelling on a budget! Contrary to popular believe, cheap travel does not mean bad travel. So through our travel experiences, tips, recommendations and advises we simply show you the light.

Wondering how to stay in the know of all I just talked about above? Then head to our Blog page for a fresh, new, inspiring and adventurous post every week!

…Now you must be curious on how to tap into this amazing community. We are social so don’t hesitate to click on the follow buttons for live updates, giveaway trips, videos and photos on every new destination we explored

Don’t be shy, come on lets take you on a life changing adventure 🙂

Since you are in our lobby, let’s feed your eyes with a few of our travel adventures. lol

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